Blog Attitude Ricardo Leitner


Be Welcome.

Here it is all about dance - contemplated from many different angles - and about looking at things differently.


Hair - the LSD & Hare Krishna Scene (1979)

Hair - the LSD & Hare Krishna Scene (1979)

Direction Milos Forman. Choreography by the great Twyla Tharp! Those were happy times...

What's in your bag today, Céline Janou Weder? Follow-up to our Interview from Oct. 2nd

What's in your bag today, Céline Janou Weder? Follow-up to our Interview from Oct. 2nd

A short talk with Géraud Wielick - Demi-Soloist Vienna State Ballet: Sep. 8th, 2017

A short talk with Géraud Wielick - Demi-Soloist Vienna State Ballet: Sep. 8th, 2017