Marcia Haydée: a new documentary
I must say that I have not watched it yet. But isn’t it wonderful to be able to rewatch her and her career?
Critics have been quite mixed. Contradictory in fact. Many have praised the documentary, some thought it “soulless” (especially because it is about a woman who showed her soul on stage!) and criticized Deborah Colker’s extremely dramatic and exaggerated speech calling it “out of context” (Note: not being very well-known outside Brazil, she is a contemporary choreographer that has started her career - as a dancer - much too late. She surrounds herself with great talent during the creative process of new works. To my point of view she does not only lack knowledge about ballet - in order to speak Marcia Haydée but also a certain low-profile and humbleness).
Even so, I am looking forward to watching this documentary.