Blog Attitude Ricardo Leitner


Be Welcome.

Here it is all about dance - contemplated from many different angles - and about looking at things differently.


What is wrong with being different? (Steven McRae, Royal Ballet)

What is wrong with being different? (Steven McRae, Royal Ballet)

Steven McRae: August 30th, 2019.

We are all unique and most certainly not the same. Some people are braver than others and the brave are usually those labelled as ‘different’....... In light of the controversy surrounding the comments about Male Dancers this past week, perhaps we all need to believe more in what we are doing with our lives rather than seeking the acceptance of those that label us as the ‘odd’ ones...... I am incredibly proud of my life as a dancer that has enabled me to travel the world, meet my beautiful wife and become a father (my greatest achievement)..... I hope our children will develop the confidence to pursue their passions and live life the way they want to too!
To every young person reading this, pursue whatever makes you happy in life, even if that passion is not seen to be the ‘norm’ - LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE

Photography by @rickycohete

Theme and Variations: Gelsey Kirkland

Theme and Variations: Gelsey Kirkland

"Mein Tanz, mein Leben" ("My Dance, my Life") a book by Bettina Trouwborst

"Mein Tanz, mein Leben" ("My Dance, my Life") a book by Bettina Trouwborst