Blog Attitude Ricardo Leitner


Be Welcome.

Here it is all about dance - contemplated from many different angles - and about looking at things differently.


Nikisha Fogo and Julian MacKay (San Francisco Ballet)

Nikisha Fogo and Julian MacKay (San Francisco Ballet)

A picture, a beautiful moment, deep-felt & emotional…

Creativity and sensibilty during the Pandemic in 2021 by the tallented Nicolas MacKay: “Swan Lake”

Copyright: Nicholas MacKay

Copyright: Nicholas MacKay

Gary Flannery – a dancer of the World: an Interview (Part I)

Gary Flannery – a dancer of the World: an Interview (Part I)

Royal Ballet: Apollo (Matthew Ball, Fumi Kaneko, Melissa Hamilton, Claire Calvert)

Royal Ballet: Apollo (Matthew Ball, Fumi Kaneko, Melissa Hamilton, Claire Calvert)