Blog Attitude Ricardo Leitner


Be Welcome.

Here it is all about dance - contemplated from many different angles - and about looking at things differently.


State Ballet Berlin: justifiably hearing voices - a short story.

State Ballet Berlin: justifiably hearing voices - a short story.


One day, the Ensemble (State Ballet Berlin) and the audience discovered that they also have voices.

Voices that could be clearly heard as they have both decided to protest against a new Ballet direction.



That happened just last year in Berlin with new designated Directors Johannes Öhman and Sascha Waltz.

Both the Ensemble and the audience were not in agreement with the filling of these jobs and strongly complained.

In one way quite understandable: A „repertoire" House cannot be directed by „Dance theatre" professionals.

The reasons: less Knowledge and Experience with the classical repertoire in other words_ not sufficient qualifications for such a position. In fact, a real Nightmare for all Ballet Lovers in Berlin.

I can well understand it. Very well indeed!


But if Art expression is not enough, we can also mention some “economics”:

Such an Opera House is „paid" with tax money and should also try to „make money" for the country.

Apart from all Balletomanes, think of all travellers and tourists ( also from other continents) that book a ticket for the ballet to see tradition („of the old world" as many South- and North-Americans would say), to experience the kind of Culture that they have no access to in their own countries.

Think of Paris, Milano, Vienna, London, etc. with a sole repertoire of some (to the international world) „unknown" choreographer like Miss Sascha Waltz – she may be somehow known in Germany but not outside its frontiers, as most of Germany's contemporary choreographers aren't.

Well, to make a long story short, the Ensemble and the Public won the case and Mr Öhman and Miss Waltz left the State Ballet after just a few months.

Personally, I like it very much when People's voices are heard and respected! It gives me the feeling of living in a Democracy… A feeling I would like to have all the time.

I’ll celebrate to that!

A  Sylphide just like a Sylphide should be: Iryna Tsymbal

A Sylphide just like a Sylphide should be: Iryna Tsymbal

Shane Wuerthner: Stories from a dance career... coming soon!

Shane Wuerthner: Stories from a dance career... coming soon!