2021/22: Another Season ("another reason... for making Whopee!")
Now that the Ballet Season is with us again, I think it would be appropriate to welcome you back to „attitude", after our yearly Summer-Break and give a short talk about our news for the upcoming Season.
Due to many circumstances – I am not going into greater detail – „attitude" went through some very content-related changes. And I am not only referring to the marvellous portraits made by Boris Nebyla. The ones I was lucky to sit to.
Yes, Changes. Changes are always more than welcome - they keep us alive, filled with energy and flexibility, open for the new and in this particular case, they not only changed the direction in which we were publishing our articles for some years but also made it possible for me to more easily „cross borders" (I am talking about geography), even oceans.
During the next season, there will be more information on „attitude" than ever before. There will be more „talks" with „The lady in the fourth row with her daughter" questioning (the rightness of) “political correctness” - this present, very fashionable and questionable attitude - and you will also read more and more about issues that should be neither ignored nor forgotten. You will be able to enjoy interviews with important figures of the international world of Dance – all this with the particular care which we have taken for years about the preservation of Dance's memory, history, essence – or whatever you may want to positively call it – so that a younger generation may also be able to understand that Dance, Art is „a bit more" than just watching videos on their I-Phones and much more than the endless pirouettes and fouettés, over-extensions and physical strain showed on them.
I'll leave you with that today, just welcoming you to our New Season.
Yours, sincerely
Ricardo Leitner
Vienna, September 6th, 2021
Copyright: Boris Nebyla