Blog Attitude Ricardo Leitner


Be Welcome.

Here it is all about dance - contemplated from many different angles - and about looking at things differently.


a t t i t u d e:  for obvious reasons, no new post this week...

a t t i t u d e: for obvious reasons, no new post this week...

No post, no words… I cannot write today about Dance, Ballet and I cannot work on a “La Bayadère essay” which has been occupying me for a long time. Not today, not now… There is a right time for everything and this is definitely not it!

Numb and paralyzed with what is going on in the Ukraine, I feel that the never-ending “posts”, filled with futility, on Social media; from Fashion to selfies on a beach, from Ballet performances one danced at to backstage photographs, from Lunches to Dinners, from Drinks to Desserts during family dinners, from pictures of the new dress at the Opera Foyer to dates with friends afterwards, and, to summarize this issue, from this INCESSANT “I” to the PREDICTABLE “myself and Me” (which only reveals how self-centered everyone has turned to be), is filled with such frivolity, egoism and escapism… Totally unacceptable!.

This is not the time either to make advertisements of one self, this is not it, definitely…

This is the time to join the Ukrainian Folk in their prayers to stop this barbarity, to demonstrate against this slaughter and this war in anyway you can and not to escape into a small and restricted world of make-believe. This is a serious time, very serious indeed. It is time to try to stop the superficiality of Social media and use it, at last for something constructive that can make sense. It can.

Just a thought. I’ll leave you with that.

Vienna State Ballet and a première that never was: "La Piaf" - Choreography: Mauro Bigonzetti

Vienna State Ballet and a première that never was: "La Piaf" - Choreography: Mauro Bigonzetti

"Giselle" revisited: Vienna State Ballet, February 18th, 2022

"Giselle" revisited: Vienna State Ballet, February 18th, 2022