Blog Attitude Ricardo Leitner


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Here it is all about dance - contemplated from many different angles - and about looking at things differently.


The Future of the Vienna State Ballet... at last a decision!

The Future of the Vienna State Ballet... at last a decision!

Since today 12:20pm there is a final decision about the future direction of the Vienna State Ballet.

Nearly three years ago, I was the only one to criticize and foresee what was coming - after (I think) 35 Dancers left the company and the curtains opened for the first time in this “period”, one could plainly see who had been with the (Legris’) company before and who had not… Arms, just arms. One could read the technique issues just by watching them… After nearly 1 and half years, “colleagues” began to understand what I was saying. Because I had been been the only one to contradict and keep a distance from this direction, I can say that I am not one to “lick boots”. My commitment to honesty in what art is concerned, is much more important than with “casual acquaintances” during the intermission in an Opera House. I try to be as honest as I can.


Mr Schläfer’s contract will not be renewed, although, elegantly as always to his “Artistes” (even if they did not a good job), the Vienna State Opera allegedly wrote that the Director “abstained to have his contract renewed”. Such emphasis makes it all too clear and transparent. Insiders claim this not be true - and I share their opinion - especially, as we all know, after the last nearly three years which brought neither Artistic nor financial nor any other kind of improvement or success to the Vienna State Opera. Much on the contrary: It brought some big Disasters along with it. Sleeping Beauty, for example. People leaving performances during it and in the intermissions were, all of a sudden, not anymore an unusual thing.

Officially the occupancy of the Ballet performances was “very good” - but with tickets being sold up to the last moment - even to Premières - at “Banana prices”, there was not a chance of “making it even” - although we know that a House like this never does. But the financial performance has to be improved.

There are but still some open “questions”:

1 - What will happen during the next two years of this “direction period”? Will there be a ballet direction? Not being “The House Choreographer”, I do not believe that Mr Schäpfer will be very present, because of lack of interest, here anymore.

His “Assistant”, Miss Rachedi does not seem to have the capacity, because of lack of experience, to lead a company, as she does not even manage a proper casting. What will happen?

2 - What will happen to his “Entourage” (Assistants, “Chief” Dramatist, Ballet School teacher etc et al) which were not able until now to keep the level of the company and practically destroyed (during the first Season of this so-called direction) Manuel Legris’ work of 10 years?

3 - What will happen to the Dancers, some of them so Contemporary and even the so Modern ones, who do not fit into a Repertoire Company in an Opera House, in which versatility is a must? There are so many technically and artistically suitable Dancers out of a job worldwide…

4 - And last but not least: Next Season’s repertoire promises a “come back” of the classics? Even Neumeier’s “La Dame aux Camelias”. Speaking, for example, of the Corps de Ballet - How many are going to be able to dance that? I see so many technically incapable dancers on the Corps who cannot even close a fifth position… An informed ballet critic can see that the company has lost its level of technicality, precision and artistry. A critic who "also" writes about ballet (but is not specialized in it), without having had the proper "upbringing" to do it, cannot "see" this issue.

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About the article that appeared on “Die Presse” just a few days ago and was completely denied by the Opera Direction (in contradiction to what happened today): They "did not quite get" that the journalist of "Die Presse" wrote a question Mark in the Headline. Therefore it is not an affirmative but a question.

Also words like "angeblich" (supposedly) give us quite clear the hint that these are supposals and, in no way, is the journalist is affirming anything: He is questioning.

The composition of the article leaves no room for a law suit. This is quite obvious - and we know that the Legal department of all newspapers is much more prepared for that and much better informed about that than any artistic Institution.

Finesse in writing is more than essencial. But in reading, more than a real MUST! Comprehension is the key word. And that requires Finesse of Spirit. As there should be in a Artistic Institution.

But OK… Mistakes can be made - unfortunately this time with Tax payer’s money - but they can be mended…

You can read more about that (in German) here in this official ORF statement :

Wiener Staatsballettdirektor verzichtet auf Verlängerung

Martin Schläpfer, seit 1. September 2020 Direktor und Chefchoreograf des Wiener Staatsballetts, verzichtet auf eine ihm angebotene Vertragsverlängerung. Das gab der 63-jährige Schweizer heute bei einer Versammlung des Staatsballetts bekannt.

Er wolle auch keine vergleichbare Führungsposition mehr annehmen. Die Arbeit des Nachfolgers von Manuel Legris war in der Fachwelt zuletzt teilweise durchaus kritisch begleitet worden. Die Position ist nun ab der Saison 2025/26 vakant.

In der APA übermittelten Zitaten wurde gegenseitiges Einvernehmen betont. „Meine Bewunderung für den Künstler Martin Schläpfer, einen der wichtigsten Choreografen der heutigen Tanzwelt, ist wohlbekannt. Die Ergebnisse seiner Arbeit könnten aber auch wirtschaftlich klarer nicht sein“, wird Staatsoperndirektor Bogdan Roscic zitiert.

Das Ballett liege an der Wiener Staatsoper in dieser Saison bei einer Auslastung von 99 Prozent mit entsprechenden kaufmännischen Resultaten. Roscic bedauerte das Ausscheiden Schläpfers. Er wolle nun mit Lotte de Beer die Gespräche zur Besetzung der Position ab dem Herbst 2025 führen.


Mathieu Ganio: Étoile, Opéra de Paris (An interview, Part 2)

Mathieu Ganio: Étoile, Opéra de Paris (An interview, Part 2)

Mathieu Ganio: Étoile, Opéra de Paris (An interview, Part 1)

Mathieu Ganio: Étoile, Opéra de Paris (An interview, Part 1)