Blog Attitude Ricardo Leitner


Be Welcome.

Here it is all about dance - contemplated from many different angles - and about looking at things differently.


A quiet, sunny Autumn day...

A quiet, sunny Autumn day...

A quiet, sunny Autumn day with Books, Tea, lovely memories and all the exciting joy connected with them.

Lately, I have been suffering some "attacks" from people who either don't see eye to eye with me in what my ballet critiques are concerned or have fear of my opinions, which are based on much more than 50 years experience - in dance (Note: also as Ballet Dancer, in case you don’t know that!)

Unfortunately, they don't have enough courage. So they write anonymously. So much to that.

But I understand it quite well. And I feel sorry for them. No grudges. It is hard to lose a job.

I don’t blame them, specially because on the other hand, these deliberate hostilities inspire me and make me even more aware of how much people are insecure (and unsure) about their positions, "savoir-fare", how much they “fake” and behave, especially when they are "threatened" by people with deeper knowledge and understanding of the trade. I don’t mean to threaten anybody. It just happens that I have a bit more experience.

To be very honest: This makes me feel even more sorry for them.

Closed for Vacation...

Closed for Vacation...

Lines, Harmony, Proportions, Beauty and… (the loveliest) ARMS: Tanaquil Le Clercq, Dancer.

Lines, Harmony, Proportions, Beauty and… (the loveliest) ARMS: Tanaquil Le Clercq, Dancer.